2 days ago, one of my house"mate" ran away from our house..
We don`t know how did she get out... and why she got out... She didn't left any message for us...
So.. we kept on searching and looking for her around the house areas... let's take my house as centre and draw a circle, the radius of about 1 km was all considered as the area we searched for...
from 9 o'clock we had been looking for her.. until around 12.00am... then it started raining....
we thought we will lose her forever... as she is only a 2 years old innocent gal....
We would like to make a police report, but it is less than 24 hours.. (i guess police won't care either)
with hopeless and helpless, we prayed, and we fell into sleep...
the next morning.. my housemate woke up around 7.00am.. then searched house by house... We knew that it was quite impossible to get her back again.....
Do you know what is miracle? i think God did really listen to our prayer... and finally after around 10 hours missing from our house... we got her in a house around 1 km away... the kind people kept her in a cage and gave her some food.....
i was so touched......
Indeed there are lot of kind people in the world in this corrupted world....
God did listen to our prayers and answer them....
It is the lost and found happiness..
What is lost and found?
Is there anything in your life that you lost it and found it?
There are too many things that lost due to my careless and left me without my realised...
but none of them i am able to get it back......
Maybe, only after i lost, i will realise its important to me...
however.. how many second chances is there?
Why never i treasured when i possessed it instead of regret after i lost it...
or maybe...
i will cherish it only when i lost it...
Don't all of us like that?
Do u ever thank God for your healthy?
Do u ever thank God for the daily bread given?
Do u ever thank God for the air you breathe in ?
We would never appreciate anything in our life unless we lost it....
but how times are we lucky enough to get a second chances?
My dears, hope you will always appreciate everything in your life... only after appreciate, you will treasure it and you will know actually how good life treats you...
Although i have missed a lots in my life.. but at least i hope i could hold back what i am having...
This is a shinny evening, i have learnt something from my dear Joey.
(P/s: for your information.. Joey is a cute rabbit)
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